Golf Ball Display Cabinet.
Golf Ball Display Cabinet.
Cabinet Only.
Oak Golf Ball Display Cabinet.
A good solid glazed oak display cabinet manufactured by the well known silversmith, Walker and Hall of Sheffield. The cabinet has been converted from its original use into a handy display cabinet with working lock. It has been relined in black crushed velvet material with the addition of three solid walnut shelves. Ideal for displaying a golf ball collection. Circa 1900.
Oak Golf Ball Display Cabinet
A good solid glazed oak display cabinet manufactured by the well known silversmith, Walker and Hall of Sheffield. The cabinet is lined in black crushed velvet and has been adapted from its original use to hold a collection of golf balls.
There are 18 balls of different ages and designs starting with a replica feathery ball moving onto original gutta percha balls and then onto rubber bound balls. The ball patterns range from bramble, mesh and dimple and date from the 1900's right through to 1960's.
A nice collection to show the development of the golf ball.
Circa 1900.
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