Eduard Klablena

1881 - 1933

Eduard Klablena was born in Bucany, Komitat Neutra, ( today's Slowakia) in 1881. His family moved to Langenzerdorf in 1883. He was a student of Karl Waschmann. After his Studies with the Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule (Vienna School of Art) he worked in Austria and Germany. He was a member of the Deutscher Werkbund and in 1909/10 made models for the Koenigliche Porzellanmanufaktur Berlin. 1911 he went back to Austria and started his workshop in Langenzerdorf. From 1911 onward he regularly exhibited in the exhibitions of MAK (Museum fuer angewandte Kunst) in Vienna. Mostly showing Figures of Humans and Animals, often made in Porcellain.
He made models for companies like "Keramos", and to the Wiener Werkstaette he delivered 842 ceramic objects between 1912 and 1919.
Langrenzerdorf Museum