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Goodall & Sons

1785 - 1851
Goodall, compared to their main rivals at the time, De La Rue, were producing around ¾ of the playing cards that were printed in Britain. Charles Goodall (1785 - 1851) founded his business in around 1820 printing playing cards as well as message cards. Charles learned his trade whilst being an apprentice at Hunt & Sons in 1801, an established playing card manufacturer. They say his early cards had a close resemblance to those of Hunts. By around 1850 both of Charles' sons had joined the company. Goodall was one of the most important card manufacturers in England and his card designs were widely copied by others, he was responsible for the designs that are seen today. In around 1898 Goodall & Sons became a Ltd company but the business soon deteriorated with WWI, eventually the company merged with De La Rue in 1922.
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